Rules & Details of the RJS LAW iPad Air Giveaway and Drawing: #RJSLAWFirm

RJS LAW iPad Air Give Away
RJS LAW has donated thousands of hand sanitizers to local San Diego County businesses. Have you seen any? Find one or more and tag your photos to enter an iPad prize giveaway. Details below.
RJS LAW will be giving away one (1) free iPad Air a month for the next six months (first drawing June 1st). Drawings will be held for the rest of the year on the first of the month. Each month represents a separate contest which requires new submissions to enter the drawing.
To enter the drawing, take a photo of the RJS LAW hand sanitizer bearing our logo when found in any San Diego County business establishment, then tag RJS LAW in the message of the post. Please include the business name in your post, and where you found it to complete your submission to enter the contest.
A successful submission to the RJS LAW iPad Air drawing giveaway includes a post, tag RJS LAW and hash tag to any of the following social media channels:
• Tag RJS LAW in your post from either LinkedIn – RJS LAW – Tax & Estate Planning
• Facebook – RJS LAW – A Tax Law Firm
• Instagram – @rjslawfirm
• Please mention the business where you found the hand sanitizer and add the image with the RJS LAW logo
• Add the hash tag #RJSLAWFirm

LinkedIn – Instructions to tag RJS LAW in LinkedIn
Start at home. Click start a post. Type the message and include the business name where you found the RJS LAW hand sanitizer. Add the image of the RJS LAW hand sanitizer to the post. Tagging RJS LAW: Type the @ sign, then type RJS LAW – Tax & Estate Planning (it may auto populate) and use this hast tag #RJSLAWFIRM. Click the RJS LAW logo and you will notice the content turn bold black. Once bold, the post successfully tagged RJS LAW in LinkedIn.
Tagging on LinkedIn – Help Resources:
- https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a525082/mention-people-in-your-posts
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-how-tagon-linkedin-carol-kaemmerer/
Facebook – Instructions to tag RJS LAW in Facebook
Start at home. Post the message where it says what’s on your mind? Tagging RJS LAW: To tag RJS LAW, start the post with “@” symbol and look for “RJS LAW – A Tax Law Firm.” and add hash tag #RJSLAWFIRM. A list of potential matches will auto-populate. Once you spot RJS LAW – A Tax Law Firm on the auto list, just click the click “RJS LAW – A Tax Law Firm” and it will turn light blue.
Tagging on Facebook help:
Instagram – Instructions to tag RJS LAW in Instagram
In top right corner click the + sign – Click post add image of RJS LAW sanitizer. Type your message. To Tag RJS LAW post with “@ or @rjslawfirm and add the hash tag #RJSLAWFIRM
Tagging on Instagram help: https://help.instagram.com/627963287377328
Once these steps are complete, your name will be submitted to the monthly drawing from the date/time it shows up in our social media feed.
1. Drawings will be held at 5:00 pm PDT on the first of each month for the next six months. All contest submissions must be received no later than 4pm PDT on the day of the drawing.
2. Multiple entries (ok) per person as long as different business location. Monthly campaigns subject to change. Check our social media for the latest campaign.
3. Businesses where the RJS LAW hand sanitizer is found must be located in San Diego County.
4. Winning contest submissions may be used in RJS LAW promotional materials.
June 1st Winner – Jeanette Nichols

July 1st Winner – Enrique Ferrer

August 1st Winner – Oralia Alvarez

September 1st Winner – Barbara Kramer