Tips to Avoid Audits
Principal Attorney Ronson J. Shamoun gives a few tips on how to avoid an audit. Overall, we generally recommend that you retain counsel to guide you through the audit process. Although there are costs associated with hiring representation, they are normally worth the investment as it helps to minimize your overall liability and shortens the audit period. A few thousand dollars in legal fees can save your tens of thousands in tax deficiencies. However, whether retaining counsel is right for you is a case-by-case decision and we encourage anyone selected for audit to contact our office. Your initial consultation with us is always free. In addition, our breadth of audit experience in taxation can provide our clients with a wealth of insight on how best to handle their audit and limit their exposure. We will guide you through the process and explain step by step what is needed and why. Our firm has a good working relationship with the audit groups and can use to your advantage. In the majority cases, you will not have to meet with the auditor and we will handle the entire audit process. For more information on how RJS LAW can help you with IRS audits, please visit our website!
Please keep in mind the information and advice presented in this blog is not intended to be used as formal legal advice. Contact a tax professional for personalized tax advice pertaining to your specific situation. While we try and answer all parts of the question when we write our blogs, sometimes there may be some left unanswered. If you have any questions about your problems with the IRS, SBOE, FTB, or BOE, or tax law in general, call RJS Law at (619) 595-1655.
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