Will your small business be audited? If you want to send a small business owner’s blood pressure soaring just tell them they’re being audited. Even if they have all their documentation and they’re ready to defend deductions and support their income, the audit process is still enough to drive people crazy. So will get audited this
irs attorneys
Deduct With Care: These Write-Offs Could Lead to Audits
As a tax law firm we deal with IRS and Franchise Tax Board audits on a daily basis. As we review tax returns and prepare our clients for the audit process, one question comes to mind during many of these interviews: “What was their tax attorney thinking?” Deduct With Care: These Write-Offs Could Lead to
IRS Tax Lien – Release and Subordination
IRS Tax Lien – Release and Subordination When a taxpayer has an IRS lien placed against them, resolving the lien is of the utmost importance in reducing its impact on the taxpayer, especially in regards to the taxpayer’s financial situation and credit. If a taxpayer has the means and can pay off the balance of