Taxation of Gambling This installment of our Tax and Vice blog series will discuss the tax treatment of cancelled debts. I will use a recent California Appeals case (Tak Chun Gaming Promotion v. Long) to illustrate the potential tax consequences when a gambling debt or any debt gets cancelled or there is a so called
Tax and Vice
Tax and Vice – Are IRS Deadlines Set in Stone?
A Discussion of Deadlines to File Collection Due Process Appeals and Other Filings – IRS Deadlines This installment of Tax and Vice discusses a Tax Court case involving a marijuana dispensary. To set the scene, a cannabis dispensary owner, Snoop Dogg, and Willie Nelson were having an epic sesh when they were rudely interrupted by
Tax and Vice – Do Cannabis Dispensaries Need to Install Turnstiles to Defend Themselves in a CDTFA Sales Tax Audit?
CDTFA Sales Tax Audit This installment of our Tax and Vice Blog will discuss the turnstile approach the CDTFA is using in many sales tax audits of cannabis dispensaries. A couple of recent California Office of Tax Appeals cases (Appeal of Divine Wellness Center and Appeal of Mutual Medicinal Collective) highlight the turnstile approach the
Tax and Vice – Tax on Social Media Influencers
Tax on Social Media Influencers This installment of the Tax and Vice Blog series will focus on social media influencers and the potential tax issues they may face at audit. Social Media influencers have businesses just like everybody else, there is a tax on social medial influencers just like everybody else, and they get audited
Tax and Vice – California Sales Tax and Cannabis Tax Issues before the CDTFA
California Sales Tax and Cannabis This installment of the Tax and Vice Blog will focus on a recent California Sales Tax and Cannabis Tax case heard by the California Office of Tax Appeals (OTA). The OTA sided with the CDTFA and ruled against the Taxpayer in Appeal of Sacramental Native American Church (SNAC). While there
Tax And Vice – Cannabis Tax
Cannabis Tax In our continuing series on Tax and Vice, we now discuss Cannabis Tax – the tax treatment of Cannabis Dispensaries and other businesses that sell cannabis, marijuana, and THC products like edibles. As this blog post will discuss, Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code gives unforgiving tax treatment to cannabis dispensaries and
Tax and Vice – A California Retailers Guide to Tobacco Taxes and Vape Taxes
California Vape Taxes This next installment of the Tax and Vice blog will provide a brief rundown of what tobacco and vape retailers in California (such as liquor stores, smoke shops, and convenience stores) need to know about state and federal tobacco taxes. Tobacco is subject to both federal and state (CDTFA) excise taxes. While
Tax and Vice – Federal Tobacco Taxes
Federal Tobacco Taxes In the installment of our Tax and Vice blog, we discuss California State (CDTFA) Federal Tobacco Excise Taxes. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is responsible for collecting Federal Tobacco Taxes, not the IRS. The CDTFA collects state excise taxes in California. This post will provide a basic rundown
Tax and Vice – The Treatment of Gambling Tax and Gaming Losses
Gambling Tax and Gaming Losses This first installment of our Tax and Vice series will discuss the treatment of gambling tax and gaming losses. How are gambling winnings taxed? Are there any tax deductions available for gambling losses and lost wagers? What are the tax implications if a casino, the lottery, or racetrack issues me