Keeping-Up with U.S. Tax-Savings for your U.S. Business! U.S. Tax Credits Are you operating or forming a U.S. business that can use U.S. tax-savings? Strategies for using U.S. tax credits and deductions may add substantial value to your business! Proposed U.S. tax benefits to watch You are probably aware of generous U.S. energy-related tax credits
Tax Credit
Employee Retention Tax Credit – What is it and how can my Business Participate?
Employee Retention Tax Credit COVID-19 has affected us all economically in some form or fashion, and this certainly includes small businesses across the country. In response to these troubled times, Congress approved the creation of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (“ERTC”) to encourage small businesses to retain their employees. This is a refundable tax credit
What is the 2021 Advance Child Tax Credit?
What is the 2021 Advance Child Tax Credit? The Advance Child Tax Credit payments are early IRS payments of 50% of the estimated amount of the Child Tax Credit you may claim on your 2021 tax return. Meaning, you can receive half of your Child Tax Credit for each qualifying child in equal payments for